"and He found you lost and guided you"
Quran 93:7
Welcome to the Quran
There have been many incredible works of literature, such as Shakespeare’s plays and fantasy epics like Lord of the Rings. What ties these works together is that they are the product of great human minds. As amazing as these works are, can you imagine how much more amazing a book would be if God Himself authored it, surely it would be the greatest book ever produced.
Moreover, imagine that God answers all the important questions that human beings have about life, such as why we are here and what happens to us after we die. Finally, imagine if the contents of this book is the spoken word of God and the topic is you! Wouldn't you want to read such a book? The Quran is exactly that book.

'God - there is no deity except Him, the Ever-living, the Sustainer of existence. He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in Truth ... as guidance for the people ... '
[Quran 3: 2-4]
English Quran Gift Pack
Free Quran distribution online, at mosque open days, dawah centres, schools and more.
New Muslim Gift Pack
The perfect gift for New Muslims. Equipped with books and resources to get their journey started.
Islamic Pamphlets
Informative Dawah Info
Thousands of pamphlets printed and distributed yearly through the support of our Dawah Partners.
Inmates Support
Chaplain resource support
We support thousands of Muslims with much needed resources to help them re-connect with Islam.
School Workshops
Empowering our Youth
Offering School excursions and incursions to teach children about important concepts in Islam.
Islamic Recycling
A service to correctly dispose of old/damaged Islamic Literature.
Annual Revert Iftaar
A night to Celebrate
An Annual Iftar to celebrate the Holy of Month of Ramadan with the Muslim Revert Community.
Islamic Gift Packs
Empowering with the Quran
We currently gift this to people in Rehab services and youth in Foster Care.
Best Selling Products
Check out our online store for many more great products.
Want a Quran? it's free!
This book includes an English Translation of the Quran (in simple English) along with information about the context of every chapter.
You will also find other interesting topics covered such as: How to Pray, Women in Islam and the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad [Peace Be Upon Him].

Where we distribute

Online Orders

Dawah Stalls

Mosque Open Days


School Students

Prison Inmates
We have also had the opportunity to support organisations overseas - Alhamdulilah!
support Project Quran with $10 a week